About me

This format makes me feel like a child, so let's not be poetic about it. Let's just do wonna theese:

These are a few of my favourite things

Colour Gotta say turquoise
Animal Wolf cause I'm so edgy
Band The Strokes
Song Ruby don't cry by whatshisname comes to mind
Ice cream flavour I'll take banana chocolate if they have it
Anime(?) I loved Elfen lied and Higurashi and Umineko back in the day, but it's been a while
Movie Fight club, for which I'm judged by my roomies
You have roomies? Oh yeah, 5 of them right now, and a dog
What like a polycule? Nah not sure what that is... But it's pretty common with shared flats in Germany
So you're from Germany? No I'm from Sweden
Then why are you in Germany? Why not? Nah but I got a job here, but I'm going back at some point
Okay? Okay
I think- Yeah I think we are doing this format wrong

So how old are you anyway?

- 26 as of june 2024

And what are like, your hobbies?

- I don't like the concept of "hobbies". As if you 1. have enough time in your life to dedicate something to something besides like work, household stuff and rest, and 2. as if I was even able to stick to that one thing for long enough to call it my "hobby" or "interest"... Idk man I scroll the news a lot? And I made this website? Not that I've put lots of time into it though

Why do you have one of these websites?

- Because it feels like a nice little project, and I'm tired of the web as it is, I like the feeling of total reset with these old-school things

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